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Facts and Figures

Green Indoors

What is fertigation?

I can't remember when my love affair with fertigation started but it had something to do with repurposing land or making use of abandoned buildings. As land in Malaysia becomes scarcer and as labour becomes costly and more difficult to obtain, fertigation, where fertilisation and irrigation are fused together, can be a solution. I will be sharing here pages and blogs from other websites so that we can both learn and prosper together. Click on the button below for more information. This will take you to

Fertigation can be done both indoors and outdoors. There are many examples of fertigation farming that I will share here. My source will be from the internet creating links to youtube and other web pages. As you can gather by now, I am a big fan of this form of modern farming. I use the word fertigation loosely and collectively. And as you continue to follow me you will see that there all various types of farming that relies on fertigation.

I have even visited durian and coconut plantations that utilises fertigation. Therefore it can be used for any size a farmer desires. In this instance my interest lies in farms that requires smaller footprints. Therefore some of the videos I am sharing mainly involves vertical farming.

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