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Generational End Game Act

Dear Editor

I am a non-smoker. I was lucky that I did not develop the habit even though some of my friends and my roommates in college smoked. I guess it never caught on. My father used to smoke. He buys by the cartons and not packs. But at 40 he made the sudden decision to quit but it took a long time for it to stabilise. He is still around and he has quit for over 40 years now, yet the effect from a habit he developed as a teenager can still be seen up to now, 40 years after he quit smoking. So if there is a need to get support for the Generational End Game I am ready to sign up. But, there is a big IF.

It is not enough to have a huge  law such as this with very lofty aspirations. There is a need for proper coordination with every ministry, every agency and every law enforcement unit. From the Border Regiments, to the Royal Malaysian Police units, from the Royal Customs to the various municipalities. Because the fear sounded by the Members of Parliaments are very real. We stop the legal sale of tobacco products and ingredients for electronic cigarettes there will be an influx of illegal sales.

Our borders are porous and enforcement against contraband has been going on for years with some success however many choose to turn a blind eye on the sale itself. Just look around us and there's a lot of contraband being sold. Why? Because of lack of coordination in enforcing the law. Law enforcement involves both state and federal agencies, and lax in one will doom this Generational End Game law to failure.

The Ministry of Communications and Multimedia and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission must also do their part to ensure that these products are not sold online. There must be some form of agreement made with the major online sales portals to prevent this from happening. Pos Malaysia and the various courier and delivery services must also do their part to stop these products from being sent or imported in Malaysia.

As I said earlier, lofty aspirations. It is not impossible but it will impose an even heavier burden on our enforcement officers who are already bursting at its seams. But, we have to start somewhere. For a cleaner and healthier Malaysia and Malaysians let's go for it but do it right the first time.

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