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Ineffective Movement Control Order

Dear Editor

We are tired.

Today's number of new infections is 9,180. We have been working from home for ages. We have put our lives on hold. Our business activities have come to a standstill. Many are now scraping the bottom of the barrel to survive. We heed the call for us to stay at home yet many do not. We have sacrificed much to embrace the call to keep the virus at bay, yet many are still taking it lightly.

We continue to see examples of bad behaviour by people that should have been the icons for good behaviour. Instead they are blatantly advertising their poor conduct. While they seem to escape unscathed, people that emulate them are heavily penalised.

The people are now at a breaking point. The local economy with very little going on is effectively broken. I have been constantly trying to remain positive throughout. Yet, with the rising new infection the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be getting dimmer.

The only saving grace I am grasping at are the rising numbers of those being vaccinated. I am praying that at the end of these ominous dark clouds there's a sliver of sunshine breaking through.

In the meantime I remain perplexed by the high number of vehicles on the roads. I wonder about the less strict nature of the roadblocks in comparison to the MCO we had last year. The number of people out there that are seemingly essential workers. The number of factory owners that seemed to be getting away with murder packing their factories and forcing their employees to be exposed to possible infection. And I even wonder the number of these unknowingly infected employees that spread the virus as they move along in public, in the public transports, supermarkets, grocery stores and the corridors and halls within their community.

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