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Things we can discover when we are not paying attention

Crizz Ikhsan

31 Oct 2022

The Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival thrives within an international Okinawan legacy

NHK Channel was playing as a background noise. As usual I wasn't really playing attention. A news feature suddenly caught my attention. It was about Okinawa. The feature was the Okinawa Homecoming. Homecoming? I asked myself. I just continued listening. Apparently from at least 100 years ago Okinawans migrated in search for a better life. They are everywhere. In this story they were in Argentina and Peru. Over 400,000 Okinawan descendants are out of Japan. And they hold a 5 yearly festival known as The Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival. Uchinanchu means someone native to Okinawa. Below is an article I found.

New things to learn everyday. Another thing I learnt was from a remark made by one of this descendants, she said that she is known as Japa in Argentina, where she is treated as a foreigner. She returns to Japan and she is also treated as a foreigner. She feels she didn't belong anywhere. But returning to Okinawa and participating in this festival she learnt a lot about her roots and herself.

Have I ever toyed the idea to venture outside Malaysia? Most definitely. Even now, at my age I am still considering. What's holding me back? My parents, my family, although if I succeed I want to take them with me. Why am I considering it? I know it's not going to be easy and many foreigners don't have it easy. But I did study overseas and I have travelled extensively, I have some idea what it takes, no doubt living there is absolutely something else. Probably, similar thoughts that was entertained by these Okinawans.

I have aunties overseas actually. One in UK and one in US. For now? I am staying put.

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