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  • crizzikhsan

19 November 2022

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

A date that will live in infamy! It was Malaysia's 15th General Election (GE15). All political parties had stars in their eyes, with grand plans for their celebration. The political parties went with high hopes before the elections. These political parties.

I copied this from reddit.

This as well. The best rendition of Malaysia's political parties. They hope Malaysian voters as below. This I copied from

Would put them into Malaysia's Parliament. Parliament has 222 seats. To form a government, they need 112 seats. So, our Election Commission (known as SPR) held the 15th General Election on this date. They had some rules and procedures to follow. Handphones were not allowed in.

Before we go to the booth, after our names are confirmed, our fingers will need to be inked. This is my finger.

This inked finger is worn with pride. Everywhere on the social media, we saw pictures of inked fingers. At least 70 over percent of eligible voters voted.

Everything was smooth. Everyone did their part. There was no trouble. Nobody really fought or battled on the streets. We did our duty and went about our normal business.

We can see various pictures all over the internet. Everyone hoped their chosen party or coalition will hold supreme and leaving everyone else in the dust.

Every party was hoping that other parties would choke on the dust they left in their wake.

What did we get?

No one party dominated. The largest shares of seats were secured by Pakatan Harapan with 82 seats and Perikatan Nasional with 73 seats. Others were Barisan Nasional with 30 seats. Gabungan Parti Sarawak with 22 seats. Gabungan Rakyat Sabah with 6 seats. Warisan with 3 seats and others with 4 seats.

It is now the 22 November 2022 at 8:38 pm and Malaysia is still without a Prime Minister. There is a whole load of literature and formula and what works.

Malaysia's Supreme Head is the Yang Dipertuan Agong (King) where Malaysia's Federal Constitution provides as follows:

Article 43

(1) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall appoint a Jemaah Menteri (Cabinet of Ministers) to advise him in the exercise of his functions.

(2) The Cabinet shall be appointed as follows, that is to say -

(a) the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall first appoint as Perdana Menteri (Prime Minister) to preside over the Cabinet a member of the House of Representative who in his judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of that House; and

(b) he shall on the advice of the Prime Minister appoint other Menteri (Ministers) from among the members of either House of Parliament;

but if an appointment is made while parliament is dissolved a person who was a member of the last House of Representatives may be appointed but shall not continue to hold office after the beginning of the next session of Parliament unless, if he has been appointed Prime Minister, he is a member of the new House of Representatives, and in any other case he is a member either of that House or of the Senate.

(3) The Cabinet shall be collectively responsible to Parliament.

(4) If the Prime Minister ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives, then, unless at his request the Yang di- Pertuan Agong dissolves Parliament, the Prime Minister shall tender the resignation of the Cabinet.

(5) Subject to Clause (4), Ministers other than the Prime Minister shall hold office during the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, unless the appointment of any Minister shall have been revoked by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on the advice of the Prime Minister but any Minister may resign his office.

(6) Before a Minister exercises the functions of his office he shall take and subscribe in the presence of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong the oath of office and allegiance and the oath of secrecy set out in the Sixth Schedule.

(7) Notwithstanding anything in this Article, a person who is a citizen by naturalization or by registration under Article 17 shall not be appointed Prime Minister.

(8) If a member of the Legislative Assembly of a State is appointed a minister he shall resign from the Assembly before exercising the functions of his office.

(9) Parliament shall by law make provision for the renumeration of members of the Cabinet.

So, here we are, still without a Prime Minister. Still without Cabinet Ministers and it cannot continue in this manner. While the General Election was peacefully held, the campaign had many words and actions that hurt one another. Now, suddenly, they now need to swallow their words where they are forced to work with each other.

For now, they still refuse to work together. A Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional collaboration would bring the magic 112 number. But the notion almost caused a revolt amongst the Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament. Perikatan Nasional thought they had sewn up the deal with Barisan Nasional, Gabungan Parti Sarawak and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah that would give them 131. That's what they have claimed but that doesn't seem to happen either.

Agong has ordered for Pakatan Harapan and Perikatan Nasional to work together. With that they will command 155 seats. That will give them the other magic number, the two thirds majority. Two thirds majority, both desired and feared.

Agong has extended the deadline a few times already and we are no closer to having a government. Word has it that Agong has ordered the audience of the 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament.

Stay tuned and watch this space.

It's the 23rd November, still no government, still no Prime Minister. Plenty of drama though. Plenty of behind-the-scenes negotiations and horse trading. The newspapers have more than enough coverage on the subject. I have my own opinion. I will just keep it to myself for now. I just can't hide my deep disappointment. Someday I will blurt it out, not right now.

Continue watching this space.

It's the 24th November, a Thursday, finally after days of waiting, Agong has ordered for a Unity Government. The Unity Government will be made up of Pakatan Harapan, Barisan Nasional and Gabungan Parti Sarawak. The numbers 82, 28 and 23 will be enough to breach the magic number of 112. Alhamdulillah.

Malaysia's 10th Prime Minister (PM10) is YAB Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He becomes PM10 after tumultuous years, removed as the Deputy Prime Minister. And later jailed for various offences under PM4 and PM6. He was later pardoned in 2018 under PM7 (previously PM4). And after PM8, then PM9, he is now PM10!

Congratulations YAB Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim! Let us now pool our resources together, try to forgive even if difficult to forget and work towards the success and progress of our beloved nation, Malaysia.

Next, I am looking forward to the Cabinet Line-up. It should be interesting as a Unity Government. How will PM10 wisely split positions amongst his coalition and the other coalition. How will the other coalition decide from amongst their various parties.

What else? Now with PM10 has been settled, we now need to get ourselves ready for a flurry of meetings specially to present to our Chairman, the PM10. And whether PM10 will stick to their manifesto to appoint a Deputy Prime Minister from Sarawak and Sabah.

I will now close this story.

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