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  • crizzikhsan

Do You Hear the People Sing?

Yesterday we saw a rare spectacle. Yang Dipertuan Agong (Malaysia's King) and Raja Permaisuri Agong (Malaysia's Queen) mingled with the participants and the crowd at the end of the National Day Parade. 31st August is Malaysia's Independence Day. Peninsular Malaysia achieved independence on 31st August 1957, they are made up of Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan. Malaysia was formed on 16th September 1963, where Sarawak and Sabah became part of Malaysia. We will be celebrating Malaysia Day later.

Their motorcade was waiting for them. Instead of entering their vehicles their Majesties crossed the road and said hello to the participants and the people.

Photo from The Star - Photo of YDP Agong and Raja Permaisuri Agong mingling with the crowd.
Photo from The Star - Photo of YDP Agong and Raja Permaisuri Agong mingling with the crowd.

Their Majesties are one of the most popular royal couples ever to have graced the throne. And I can also safely say that YDP Agong is the only Agong that has been fully tested, demonstrating the wonders of our constitutional monarchy. Not only was His Majesty tested with Covid-19 and Movement Control Order during his term, but he was also tested 3 times politically where with his wisdom he had to choose 3 different Prime Ministers after PM7 resigned.

With GE14, the people ushered in Pakatan Harapan under PM7 (formerly PM4). Sleight of hand (and feet) led PM7's resignation bringing in PM8 and Perikatan Nasional. People was not happy that changes happened not through the ballot box. Barely 2 years and it changed again. PM8 was removed and PM9 was then chosen, still under a Perikatan Nasional and Barisan Nasional hybrid. PM9 was PM8's deputy. And not long after people went to the ballot box again. This time there were no overwhelming majority. Through His Majesty's wisdom, the Unity Government was formed, led by PM10 (PMX) from Pakatan Harapan, with DPMs from Barisan Nasional and Gabungan Parti Sarawak.

As written in previous posts, 6 states went through State Elections where Perikatan Nasional overwhelming won and held Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah while Pakatan Harapan held Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Penang, not before Perikatan Nasional made major dents in all these states. The people spoke again.

And the day before, I attended events to usher in the National Day on 30th August evening. I am sharing photos and videos from these events.

Selawat for National Day
Selawat for National Day

It begins right after Maghrib prayers, but at 6.45 pm it was raining, raining heavily. It was so heavy it drenched everything. It was nearing the time for Maghrib prayers at 7.15 pm. The muezzin was taking his place to call for prayer (or Azan). It was still pouring, yet instead of seeking shelter, people braved through the rain to find their place under a marquee for Maghrib prayers.

As the muezzin called for prayers, the rain started subsiding. People started lining up in rows to begin prayers. The lines are called saf, facing Makkah. The ground was wet, yet people laid down carpets and prayer mats. As we prayed and Sujood, our forehead touched the wet ground and those are the lucky ones under the marquee. There were more outside the marquee. There were thousands with thousands more waiting for their turn to pray as the marquee was full.

The selawat soon begin and a spectacle happened right before our eyes, supplications for Rasulullah.

As the Selawat was drawing to a close people started to make way into the stadium itself for the National Day parade and celebrations. Because of the rain it was nice and cool.

The crowd celebrating 66th National Day in Kelantan
The crowd celebrating 66th National Day in Kelantan

This is just my view. The stadium was full. The seats were full. Everyone participated. Everyone sang the National Anthem, everyone recited the Rukun Negara (National Principles.

Negaraku - national anthem lyrics.

Tanah tumpahnya darahku

Rakyat hidup

Bersatu dan maju

Rahmat bahagia

Tuhan kurniakan

Raja kita

Selamat bertakhta

English Translation

The land where my blood spills,

The people live,

United and progressive!

With God's blessings

of grace and happiness,

May our King,

be safely enthroned!

Rukun Negara

MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:






English Translation

WE, residents of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles:






There is a big message here that needs to be heeded. With the end of the 6 state elections, it marks the end of the major elections where the political parties needed to win to capture the attention of the people, and for bragging rights. Pressures continue but people are quite fed up. All they want is peace and harmony. Leaders that take care of their interests, taking care of the costs of living, health, and safety.

Enough with rhetoric. Enough with speeches. Enough with politics. What people want now is for the leaders and politicians to do their jobs and to do it well. They want people that cares. And with the people that cares? They come out and up in droves to show their support and to show their pleasure.

Do you hear the people sing?

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