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How I Met Your Mother Part 5

I stayed there for 2 years. In the first 1 and a half years I stayed in a different room at the 3rd staircase, but I am hardly there except to sleep. All my studying in socialising was done in another room at the second staircase. The 2 rooms on that floor houses most of my friends and my classmates. So, we are there often. One day I was told that there was a vacancy in the room. Didn't take much to get me convinced. And before I knew it, I was in another room, carrying everything in one go. I am now truly among my friends. We eat, sleep, study together. N was in the next apartment. I share a room with A and 2 others. In the other room was my schoolmate and 3 more guys.

There were many memories made here, even before I moved but one that is etched in my memory was a small incident. It was over the weekend and some of us went home. I stayed on for some reason. Every one of us were short of funds and hungry. We enquired if the 2 rooms in the higher floor had anything to eat. I believe there were around 14 of us from 4 rooms (need to check the photo, we took). Anyway, we decided to pool whatever we had. I shared my small can of sardines, someone had butter, another had a packet of biscuits, someone made coffee. So, we prepared the sardines and spread it on the buttered biscuits. 14 of us were spread on the floor in our apartment and started distributing the biscuits. Everyone had some and in addition with the pots of coffee everyone had their fill. It was just strange that we were all broke all at the same time. Sharing in this manner, we were somehow not that hungry anymore.

A global economic crisis was looming by that time. There were concerns that scholarships may be cancelled. Or scholarships continued to be given with studies held locally. English exams came first, two types of English exams, 121 and 122. 121 is for those that took 1119 and 122 is for those that did not. Thereafter A Levels came and went. Some were pleased, I was not. Right after the exams we were informed by the government that to save costs they will hold some 1st year programmes in Malaysia while very few will get to do their first year in UK. Unfortunately, my course will be one of those that will be done locally in the 1st year.

It will be held in Section 6, Shah Alam. In the meantime, what was I doing? I took driving lessons. I had issues with the first driving school, so I changed to another one that was much better. The first one was too free with his mouth and as it turned out later, he is the uncle to one of my college mates.

My next life at this next college had a huge impact on my future. Some of my friends left for UK, some joined me at this next college while there were some others that had to continue at the present college. Thus, that is life. But as life dictates, our lives were to converge in more ways than one where later when everyone were in UK, we had a most meaningful reunion in London. But that, is yet, another story. As I am writing this, I am playing an old movie, Ali Setan acted by Allahyarham Azmil Mustafa and Fauziah Ahmad Daud. The movie was about antics of students in a university. The stories, though dramatised, very much mirrors our lives. Although, in our case the stories stretched from A Levels to 1st Year to UK.

What this have to do with meeting your mother? I am getting there. At this time when I sat for my A Levels, I was 19 going 20. Your mother? She was 8 turning 9. She had a lot of growing up to do. While I am about to crash into what life is head on as I leave my teenage years.

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