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  • crizzikhsan

Ouch! I cut my finger!

...chop chicken into small pieces. Then coat the chicken with turmeric powder (kunyit), pepper (lada hitam) and salt (garam)....

Eh, that's the recipe. Anyway, that's what happened, I got hungry, so I decided to cook. As I thawed the chicken, I noticed that the chicken needed to be chopped into smaller pieces. The chopper/cleaver I bought from the 2 Dollar (2 Ringgit actually) shop didn't work. Good as a paper weight. Anyway, the cleaver was packed in those rigid plastic packs that were difficult to open. I made a cut in the pack and tried to tear it open. As I tore it open, I pulled the cleaver out and I checked whether the cleaver was sharp.

And it was!

Long story short, I didn't even realise I cut myself until blood started to flow. No, it didn't gush, that happened to my right thumb a few months earlier. Because of that I bought this finger protector.

No, it did not work. It was especially difficult to hold an onion. And I keep on forgetting I had one. (If anyone can teach me how to use it, I will be most appreciative.)

Anyway, I prepared 2 dishes. One was my chicken dish and the other was the pak choy dish. Pak choy is a Chinese cabbage.

Recipe? Do I really have a recipe? I tend to concoct my own recipe. It was quite tasty, and I was hungry, so I forgot to take a picture.

Recipe? Really? Okay, here goes.

1 quarter chicken

1 bulb of yellow onion

4 cloves of garlic

1 chili

2 table spoon of oyster sauce

1 table spoon of soy sauce

1/2 a table spoon of honey

Turmeric powder

Mineral salt

Black Pepper

Chop the quarter chicken into small pieces. (Avoid cutting your finger.)

Smash the garlic and chop it into tiny pieces. (Again, avoid finger.)

Slice the onion into rings. (Here is where I normally injure myself.)

Slice the chili. (Also realized that it still stings even with a plaster or adhesive dressing applied.)

Take a bowl and mix the chicken with turmeric powder, mineral salt and black pepper. (It was my left thumb, so I can mix with my right hand. If any of the digits are bleeding, good idea to stop the bleeding first.)

Then, get another bowl and mix the oyster sauce, soy sauce and honey.

Get a deep pan and pour a little oil. Wait till it's heated properly and then pan fry the chicken. Could take about 5 minutes or until the chicken stops bleeding. (Not my blood but the chicken blood.) Then add the garlic and fry it until aromatic (if it's dark and smells funky it's most likely burnt.) Then mix the chicken with the garlic. Add the onion next and the sauce and mix it for a while. The chicken will continue cooking. Finally add the chili. It's added last to add a slight heat without being overly spicy.

Pak Choy

Oyster sauce

1 teaspoon sugar

A bulb of garlic.

Sesame seed oil.

Mineral salt.

Blanch pak choy in boiling water. Add a pinch of salt. And then take it out of the pot after 1 minute. Arrange it on a plate. In another pot, prepare garlic oil by frying the garlic. After a few minutes pour on the pak choy. Then fry the oyster sauce mixed with sugar. And right before serving, add a little sesame seed oil. (Sometimes, just sometimes oil might spit a little or a lot. So, normally I have little injuries after cooking.) Pour it on the pak choy again. Careful it's hot. The gravy is quite tasty. I tend to polish the entire dish along with the gravy. If it's not tasty (it happens) then something's gone wrong. Could have burnt the garlic. (It happened once. I finished the gravy anyway....)

As an Asian, I had it with white rice. I had Basmathi rice. It's supposed to have lower starch content. I am on a diet you see.

In my next few updates, I can take photos of the market where I bought some of the ingredients.

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