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  • crizzikhsan

Realism vs Idealism

I thought I am more or less done writing about politics, since the Cabinet has been formed by PM10. Instead, I have been reading a common theme, in the newspapers, online and social media - indignation.

The Cabinet was finally announced on 2 December 2022. The announcement was delayed. I have touched it here: Today is the 4th of December 2022, yet the noise remains. It's inevitable that the competitor will grumble and pass comments.

The biggest noise comes from the supporters, those that subscribed to the campaign speech. There are some discomforts in their bones and their souls. What were the campaign theme?

And the list just goes on. Supporters from the great divide subscribed to these. Agreed to these. And suddenly? The same people that were chastised, ridiculed, insulted turned out to not only the saviour but are playing key roles in the Cabinet. The same people that were seemingly at each other's throats, will now be seated at the same table next to each other governing the nation.

When I was first asked on the possible results for GE15, I said with absolute certainty, that there won't be a single party that is able to command a simple majority, much less a two third majority. I said that the make up of the Cabinet will be very interesting. Very interesting, became an understatement. It has been repeated often enough that there are no permanent friends or foes in politics. Indeed.

The next attention will be the 19 December 2022, when parliament will be convened for the first time under this government. PM10 has promised for a vote of confidence for his administration to demonstrate that he indeed has the numbers in parliament. The next is the speculation on who will be the next speaker to replace Art Harun. It's speculated that Tan Sri Dato' Mohamad Ariff bin Md Yusof, a popular Speaker will be elected to replace Art Harun. Art Harun or Tan Sri Azhar Azizan Harun is a lawyer and blogger. He is a well-known and respected blogger until he was elected to be the Speaker of Dewan Rakyat (Malaysia's House of Commons).

In fact, I met Art Harun in one of the cafes at Parliament House. It was actually on the day before his official appointment that changed his life and people's opinion of him forever. At that time, he was still comfortable to be called Art. I have not met him since, so I have no idea if he has indeed changed as claimed by many. He was understandably, a little nervous on that day looking at the appointment as his national duty to the nation. I wished him all the absolute best as he has been summoned to appear in parliament while I had an appointment with the Director of Veterinary Services (as he was at that time). Never realised at that time he needed all the prayers and wishes he can get for his task that has turned out to be very controversial.

Can we afford idealism? There's no harm with idealism. I was and am an idealist myself. I had my share of trouble and controversies because of my idealism. Am I still an idealist? I guess I still am, But there should also be a reality check. What's the reality check? When there is a bigger calling i.e. in this situation, a unification agenda to heal a divided nation.

My opinion? I have mentioned on this as well. The nation is divided. I wrote this here. With PH taking the lion share of the non-Malay votes and barely 11% of the Malay votes. While BN grabbed just a little over 20%. Now. this is a good time to heal the nation. The hate speeches, the hate comments seem gone. Those that tried to start something has been shut down by others. For one the people are really tired and just needed a break from politics. Especially since come April or May the States of Penang, Selangor, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Negeri Sembilan will go through State elections The states of Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Melaka, Johor, Sabah and Sarawak had recently or previously had theirs.

So, let's concentrate on nation building folks. The head winds of recession can be felt people. Let's pray it's not stagflation. What's the difference between recession and stagflation? Let Forbes explain to you.

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