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  • crizzikhsan

Wax Lyrical

Saying that I am disappointed is an understatement. Maybe, I was expecting too much, maybe, I had too high a regard for the People's Representatives. In the end what I saw, what I observed was something that we cannot be proud of, no matter how anyone want to justify their actions. No matter how they want to twist or bend it.

Wax Lyrical : Collins Dictionary defines it as

If you say that someone, for example, waxes lyrical or waxes indignant about a subject, you mean that they talk about it in an enthusiastic or indignant way. He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees. [VERB adjective] Tom sat himself down and waxed eloquent about all the advantages of the new plan. [VERB adjective] Synonyms: enthuse, rave [informal], gush, get carried away More Synonyms of to wax lyrical

I wasn't able to differentiate them between creatures in enclosures. I was disappointed that they seem to have forgotten the Rukun Negara National Principles. Number 5 is

KESOPANAN DAN KESUSILAAN (Courtesy and Morality)

The group is supposed to be the new bastion for the Malays while at the same time having a partner that is supposed to be the prime example for Islamic governance. What did we get? What was projected instead? Day one what was served to the nation? A shouting match.

Flooding in Pasir Mas
Flooding in Pasir Mas

A shouting match when we are still struggling to rescue nearly 100 victims with multiple fatalities? A shouting match when some of their constituencies were struggling to survive from the floods? The same people that voted for them. The same people that are struggling to eke a living, especially after the MCO was lifted, after the nation survived from the scourge of Covid-19, especially since Covid-19 is still around us?

Pasir Mas flood.
Road to Pasir Mas flooded.

I am writing in my apartment because I am not able to get to office because the route to office is flooded. My team members are struggling themselves because their homes are inundated with water or surrounded by water. The towns are paralysed because of the flood. And what did we get? A shouting match.

With or without politicians the nation and her citizens need a lot of help. We need to bridge the gaps created by the MCO and Covid-19. Production is still recovering. Prices are high creating a higher cost of living. The environment needs help. We need to manage and mitigate impact from climate change. Water supply and water quality is much to be desired. A lot of flooding issues may be resolved with investing in proper and better drainage. Better maintained drains and refraining from littering. A lot of our water ways are blocked with rubbish due to indiscriminate littering. So, what do we need? We need to embrace one of a cornerstone of Islam. The article here explains everything. Cleanliness is key, yet our homes, our streets, our cities is a severe disappointment.

What am I talking about? I am just demonstrating of the various topics that can and should be debated in Parliament. What did we get? People who are still green with envy that they turn blue in the face leading to? Shouting matches.

We need our politicians to be united to work together for the sake of the nation. Forget for the moment narrow-minded politics because the improvements needed to reach far and wide under whichever constituency, under whichever party. Be better examples to the voters especially to those that did not vote for you.

A lot may be achieved without being crass and vulgar. These politicians should embody KESOPANAN DAN KESUSILAAN.

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